Today I was playing with markdown split panels. I want to be able to compare and constrast occasionually, today the inspiration hit to do this using admonitions.


Mobile Users 🔄

You will need to rotate your device to see the side by side feature.

The Markdown

This is what I am going for, one admonition that is easy to remember, that nests inside of itself , and I can put as much markdown on the inside that I want.

!!! vsplit I Have two opinions

    !!! vsplit Left Opinion

        supporting arguments

        * lorem ipsum
        * ipsum dolor

        - [x] lorem ipsum
        - [ ] ipsum dolor

    !!! vsplit Right Opinion

        supporting arguments

        * lorem ipsum
        * ipsum dolor

        - [ ] lorem ipsum
        - [x] ipsum dolor

Here is the result of that markdown.

I Have two opinions

Left Opinion

supporting arguments

  • lorem ipsum
  • ipsum dolor
  • lorem ipsum
  • ipsum dolor

Right Opinion

supporting arguments

  • lorem ipsum
  • ipsum dolor
  • lorem ipsum
  • ipsum dolor

Hello World

Here is a hello world application written in the typer cli framework for cli.

!!! vsplit ""

    ``` python
    #!/usr/bin/env -S uv run --quiet --script
    # ///
    # requires-python = ">=3.12"
    # dependencies = [
    #     "typer",
    # ]
    # ///

    import typer

    app = typer.Typer()

    def hello(name: str = "World"):
        """Prints a greeting message."""
        typer.echo(f"Hello, {name}!")

    if __name__ == "__main__":