markdown split panel
Today I was playing with markdown split panels. I want to be able to compare and constrast occasionually, today the inspiration hit to do this using admonition
💠bic | Static blog generator, in bash
Intereresting someone built a blog generator in bash. it comes with normal markdown to html, static content, robots.txt
Wikilinks are a core concept within obsidian to link to documents by [[slug]] wrapped in double square brackets. These are commonly used within wiki site gener
💠Hotkey to open link under at the text cursor pos...
Obsidian has a go to definition like feature, the keybind is alt+enter, I would have never guessed this one.
It was not obvious to me, but if you have a wikilink such as [[trying-obsidian]], you can jump to the file in obsidian, just like you can with lsp go to definit
Obsidian Using Templater Like Copier
I've long used copier to create all of my posts for my blog, and it works really well for my workflow. I think of a title, call a template, and give it a
Obsidian Image Converter
I'm giving obsidian a go as an editor for my blog and one of the main things I want to fix in my workflow is the ability to quickly drop in images. on fir