This is my first time journaling a Minecraft hardcore world, my son Wyatt is also documenting his journey in a survival world on

Day 0 #



I logged into a brand new hardcore world. I was welcomed by a great Acacia biome spawn full of resources. I quickly cut my first tree, crafted an axe and set out to find my first sheep. I was able to find enough sheep for a bed, several cows and pigs.

I crafted a set of wooden tools, and farmed out a wheat farm till my wooden hoed died at the shore of a nearby stream. I found a small stone outcropping in the side of a hill and harvested nearly a full stack of cobblestone from my first wooden pick.

I ended the first day by sleeping in my bed safe from mobs.


  • bed
  • furnace
  • stone
  • wheat farm

Day 1 #


Thoughout the course of day one I collected wood and started the framework for my new house.

Day 2 #


The sun sets over the new frame of my house on Day 1

Day two continued the framework of the house, and a bit of sand collection for windows. I was a bit late to bed and saw four mobs spawn on the journeymap before I made it in.

Day 3 #


end of day 2

On day three I completed the roofline of the base, gathered some wood, and cleared out all the grass in the tree farm. The tree farm has a fresh planting of oak and acacia trees in it.

Day 4 #

Thoughout day 4 I kept farming trees and creating my first outter perimeter fence made of oak.


end of day 3

Day 5 #


start of of day 5

On day 5 I completed the perimeter fence and worked on my first animal pen.


End of Day 5

Day 6 #

I completed another animal pen.


a new animal pen from day 6

Day 7 #

On day 7 I left the game paused and went to some meetings, I came back to a death screen 😥. I am not going out this way, I opened to lan with cheats and reset my gamemode to survival.


Day 8 #

I started a storage silo by doing some terraforming and placing down the first chests.


Day 9 #

On Day 9 I started a challenge from Wyatt to create a tiny base. I chose to make a secret storage area in the storage silo.


Day 10 #

On day 10 Wyatt joined me, he built a dock and I found a zombie spawner.


We conquered the Zombie Spawner


Standing on Wyatt's new dock

Day 11 #

Wyatt planted some beets, and made space for pumpkins.


Day 12 #

On day 12 we gathered up some farm animals.


Day 13-15 #

Wyatt and I went spelunking in the caves for iron.

Day 16 #

Wyatt started his floating base


Day 17 #

On Day 18 I created the crows nest on top of the storage silo.
