fixed long standing nvim startup error
Here's the diff, this is it. The error On first install of my dotfiles I'm presenting with this flashbang of an error filling the screen with red back
vim date
When I want to put a date in a document like a blog post from vim I use !!date from insert mode. Note that entering `!!` from normal mode puts you in command m
testing nvim installs
Testing fresh nvim installs can be a pain, and hard to di without borking your known good install. I've been using `NVIM_APPNAME` to run a test nvim in a
setting up nvim-manager starship prompt
I built out a tool for myself to manage my nvim configuration, and I wanted to quickly see which one I am running in my starship prompt. Here's the config
I recently built a cli application as a nearly-one-shot-app called [nvim-manager](https://github.com/waylonwalker/nvim-manager). It manages your nvim dotfiles i
๐ญ olimorris/codecompanion.nvim: โจ AI-powered codin...
Definitely need to give codecompanion.nvim a try, it looks like a competitor to windsurf but in nvim. It looks so featu
๐ญ WaylonWalker/nvim-manager: manage dotfiles with ...
New release out for nvim-manager that supports installing pre-configured distros. It's such a breeze to install these n
๐ญ Releases ยท WaylonWalker/nvim-manager
First release of nvim-manager is out. Your dotfiles change a lot, sometimes it's hard to manage all of the places you
๐ญ GitHub - ngalaiko/tree-sitter-go-template: Golan...
This setup fixed my nvim syntax highlighting in helm templates.
๐ญ Wrapping your favorite CLI in neovim - YouTube
cool video on expanding vim with cli. piping commands into vim ![piping commands into vim](https://dropper.wayl.on
๐ญ Saghen/blink.cmp: Performant, batteries-included...
A new completion plugin that I might give a try. Readme makes it sound like its built on some fast teck that allows the
๐ญ E576: Error while reading ShaDa file: there is a...
I hit an interesting error after updating my nvim plugins today. I'm sti not even quite sure what a ShaDa file is, but
๐ญ These are SICK, gonna be using this a lot. (Than...
helix inspired treesitter select outwards and select inwards.
๐ญ Switching Configs in Neovim โข Michael Uloth
Switching between nvim configs can be really easy to do since they implemented the NVIMAPPNAME Environment Variable.
Vim has a handy feature to format text with `gq`. You can use it in visual mode, give it a motion, or if you give it `gqq` it will format the current line. I u
๐ญ From Vim To Zed - YouTube
I found this statement quite intriguing. > multi-cursors are just macros. This is quite a philisophical video and most
๐ญ My New Python Lsp Setup
I figured out the killer combination for python lsp servers, ruff and jedi! ruff does all of the diagnostics and format
๐ญ nvim: `vim.o.cmdheight=0`
I fixed my missing macro recording indicator that I lost and was never quite sure why. (because I forgot that I set cmdh
๐ญ aca/emmet-ls: Emmet support based on LSP.
This is the greatest nvim emmet plugin I have tried. In the past I had tried the vim plugin a few times and just could
๐ญ Formatting on save ยท jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls....
neovim stopped formatting on save for me awhile ago and I have just been dealing with it. looks like there may have bee
๐ญ kndndrj/nvim-dbee: Interactive database client f...
A neovim database client that I need to check out.
Setup a yaml schema | yamlls for a silky smooth se...
I've gone far too long without a good setup for editing yaml files, I am missing out on autocomplete and proper diagnostics. This ends today as I setup yam
How linux users install a text editor
In honor of the neovim 0.6.0 release, I decided to do a funny skit installing neovim, and fix up my install script in the process as part of my challenge to fix