So after months of fighting with gf not going to template files, I finally decided to put in some effort to make it work.
This was the dumbest keybind in my config, that I copied from someone else without understanding it.
What I am trying to do #
I have jinja templates in a directory called templates
. I want to bind gf to
open a template file, but it is trying to open a new file ./base.html
{% extends "base.html" %} {% if request.state.user %} {% block title %}Fokais - {{ request.state.user.full_name }} {% endblock %} {% else %} {% block title %}Fokais {% endblock %} {% endif %} {% block content %} {% if request.state.user %} <h1 id="title" class="inline-block mx-auto text-5xl font-black leading-loose text-transparent bg-clip-text bg-gradient-to-r from-red-600 via-pink-500 to-yellow-400 ring-red-500 text-shadow-xl text-shadow-zinc-950 ring-5"> {{ request.state.user.full_name }} </h1> {% endif %} {% include "me_partial.html" %} {% endblock %}
What did not work #
I tried all sorts of changes to my path, but it still didn't work.
vim.api.nvim_command("set path+=templates/**")
What I found #
after digging into my keymap I found that I had remaped gf
to edit
ago. This works great if the file is in your current directory, and if it's not
it makes the file. This bind completely breaks vim's ability to :find
and was a terrible keybind that I added probably from someone else years ago
and have literally never used this feature. If gf
opens an empty file I
always close it and assume that vim failed to :find
the file.
-- Allow gf to open non-existent files set("", "gf", ":edit <cfile><CR>")
Yes, after that fix I still needed to adjust my path #
I ended up with the following in my options.lua.
-- look for jinja templates in the templates directory vim.opt.path:append("templates/**")