
I open sourced the static site framework that I use to build my-blog among other side projects. It's a plugins all the way down static site generator, that makes me happy to use.

{% gh_repo_list_topic "waylonwalker", "markata" %}

Repos used to build this blog

my-blog is built on a number of small repos. I set it up this way so that creating content is fast and easy to do. I don't have to worry about carrying around large images with my lightweight text files just to make some posts.

{% gh_repo_list_topic "waylonwalker", "personal-website" %}


I am a heavy user of the kedro framework, and a big advocate for using some sort of DAG framework for your data pipelines. kedro is built all in python which makes it easy for a python dev like me to extend, run, maintain, and deploy.

{% gh_repo_list_topic "waylonwalker", "kedro" %}

Neovim Plugins

I use vim for all of my text editing needs. It brings me joy to make any part of it just a bit smoother. I have written a few plugins that help me achieve that silky smooth workflow.

{% gh_repo_list_topic "waylonwalker", "neovim-plugin" %}