I recently se tup minio object storage in my homelab for litestream sqlite backups. The litestream quickstart made it easy to get everything up and running on localhost, but I hit a wall when dns was involved to pull it from a different machine.
Here is what I got to work #
First I had to configure the Key ID and Secret Access Key generated in the minio ui.
β― aws configure AWS Access Key ID [****************VZnD]: AWS Secret Access Key [****************xAm8]: Default region name [us-east-1]: Default output format [None]:
Then set the the s3 signature_version to s3v4.
aws configure set default.s3.signature_version s3v4
Now when I have minio running on https://my-minio-endpoint.com I can use the aws cli to access the bucket.
Note that
resolves to the bucket endpoint (default 9000) not the ui (default 9001).
aws --endpoint-url https://my-minio-endpoint.com s3 ls my_bucket
Now Configuring Litestream #
Litestream also accepts the endpoint
argument via config. I could not get it
to work just with the ui.
Note the
aws configure
step above is not required for litestream, only the aws cli.
dbs: - path: /path/to/database.db replicas: - url: s3://my_bucket/ endpoint: https://my-minio-endpoint.com region: us-east-1 access-key-id: ****************VZnD secret-access-key: ************************************xAm8
Now run a litestream replication.
litestream replicate -config litestream.yml # or put the config in /etc/litestream.yml and just run replicate litestream replicate