I've been posting on this site since 2016, when there was a huge rollout of layoffs at the company I was working at at the time. In fear of being laid off
This page is meant to be simple view into what is happening in my life right now. Inspired by [@NowNowNow](https://nownownow.com/). and Derek Sivers. Last updat
Welcome to waylonwalker.com, my small corner of the internet. I currently have {{ markata.feeds.archive.posts | length }} posts published, here are some links
[Colophon](https://indieweb.org/colophon) a page that describes how the site is made, with what tools, supporting what technologies Author ![Waylon Walker'
This post is a work in progress. Markata is the static site generator that I created to build my website [[ about-this-site ]]. I built it for me and I enjoy u
These are generally my thoughts on a web page or some sort of url, except a rare few don't have a link. These are dual published off of my [thoughts.waylo
Waylon Walker
👋 Hi, I am Waylon Walker. Husband, Father of two, and creator things on the web, learning, and teaching others. I play lots of Minecraft, make art, and skate