Testing fresh nvim installs can be a pain, and hard to di without borking your
known good install. I've been using NVIM_APPNAME
to run a test nvim in a
sandbox that wont bork my main install. This usually runs for me in under a
minute, can be down under 15s if I remove some of the TreeSitter installs at
the end. This beats a full docker build of my full devtainer to test out nvim
packaging woes.
rm ~/.cache/wwtest -rf rm ~/.local/share/wwtest -rf rm ~/.config/wwtest -rf cp -r nvim/.config/nvim/ ~/.config/wwtest NVIM_APPNAME=wwtest nvim --headless "+Lazy sync" +qa NVIM_APPNAME=wwtest nvim --headless "+TSUpdateSync" "+sleep 5000m" +qa NVIM_APPNAME=wwtest nvim --headless "+MasonUpdate" +qa NVIM_APPNAME=wwtest nvim --headless "+TSInstallSync! c cpp go lua python rust tsx javascript typescript vimdoc vim bash yaml toml vue just" +qa NVIM_APPNAME=wwtest nvim --headless "+MasonInstall lua-language-server rustywind ruff ruff-lsp html-lsp typescript-language-server beautysh fixjson isort markdownlint stylua yamlfmt python-lsp-server" +qa NVIM_APPNAME=wwtest nvim
I've started to use this as a just
recipe to run before deploying a new
version of my dotfiles. So far its pairing nicely with nvim-manager