I recently built a cli application as a nearly-one-shot-app called nvim-manager. It manages your nvim dotfiles install.
Why #
Don't we have stow?
Ya, thats not enough.
Why not??
Inevitably shit goes sideways and I break my vim install.
How is nvim manager any better #
nvim-manager allows you to install pinned versions of your dotfiles, your friends dotfiles, and distros in ~/.config. This allows you to have stable versions that will not break installed while you change things.
I'm sure most of us have experienced the pain of installing one plugin, only to update all of your plugins and break something.
Or, you have small changes on every machine you use, because they are all just a bit different and now you have big merge conflicts to deal with.
All of this aside you can install a distro to get you by, or a known working version of your own dotfiles.
So all these versions in ~/.config #
ya, thats the magic of NVIM_APPNAME
, I can boot up any of these intalled
working versions in an instant with NVIM_APPNAME=nvim-waylonwalker-v0.0.1 nvim
. I can still cowboy up and break my main install, but as long as I am
diligent to keep these installs untouched I will always have a version to fall
back to in that moment of need.
So what do I need to do? #
- start tagging your dotfiles as you hit stable versions
- Install
curl https://i.jpillora.com/waylonwalker/nvim-manager | bash
- Add some env variables to your shell startup (~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc for example)
- Install that pinned version of your dotfiles
nvim-manager install v0.0.1
- Install a distro
nvim-manager install --distro astronvim
Here are those environment variables I was talking about, set them to use your
dotfiles repo, name it what you like, and set your NVIM_APPNAME if you want to
default to a stable nvim
and force yourself to unset NVIM_APPNAME
to live
on the edge.
Install nvim-manager #
apt install curl git unzip curl https://i.jpillora.com/MordechaiHadad/bob | bash bob install nightly bob use nightly ln -s ~/.local/share/bob/nvim-bin/nvim ~/.local/bin curl https://i.jpillora.com/waylonwalker/nvim-manager | bash
Install your own dotfiles #
Setup with the following environment variables.
# nvim-manager export NVIM_MANAGER_REPO=https://github.com/WaylonWalker/devtainer export NVIM_CONFIG_PATH=nvim/.config/nvim export NVIM_MANAGER_INSTALL_DIR=$HOME/.config export NVIM_MANAGER_PREFIX="nvim-waylonwalker" export NVIM_APPNAME=${NVIM_MANAGER_PREFIX}-v0.0.1
nvim-manager install v0.0.1 nvim
Note I like installer by jpillora, I self host it for my own security, but feel free to download from GH if it makes you feel safer.
Ubuntu Container Speedrun #
Here is a speedrun to getting nvim up and running in an ubuntu container.
set -euxo mkdir -p ~/.local/bin export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin apt update apt install curl git unzip -y curl -LsSf https://astral.sh/uv/install.sh | sh curl https://i.jpillora.com/MordechaiHadad/bob | bash mv bob ~/.local/bin bob install nightly bob use nightly ln -s ~/.local/share/bob/nvim-bin/nvim ~/.local/bin curl https://i.jpillora.com/waylonwalker/nvim-manager | bash mv nvim-manager ~/.local/bin export NVIM_MANAGER_REPO=https://github.com/WaylonWalker/devtainer export NVIM_CONFIG_PATH=nvim/.config/nvim export NVIM_MANAGER_INSTALL_DIR=$HOME/.config export NVIM_MANAGER_PREFIX="nvim-waylonwalker" export NVIM_APPNAME=${NVIM_MANAGER_PREFIX}-v0.0.1 nvim-manager install v0.0.1 nvim-manager install --distro lazyvim nvim-manager install --distro astronvim nvim-manager install --distro nvchad nvim-manager install --distro kickstart nvim-manager install --distro lunarvim # plugins like treesiter need gcc and make apt install gcc make -y export TZ="America/Chicago" export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt update apt install tzdata -y ln -fs /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /etc/localtime dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata # Some of the mason installs need npm apt install nodejs npm -y # plugins like telescope require ripgrep apt install fzf ripgrep -y
Give it a Star #
I'd appreciate a star if you find this app useful.