Here's my thought on 💭 Background Image | Wallpaper · Issue #3059 · helix-editor/helix
How to make helix themes transparent. You can make any built-in theme transparent in helix with one line, a few extras and you can make all the pop ups, help menus and status line trransparant as well.
mkdir -p ~/.config/helix/themes hx
:o ~/.config/helix/themes/dracula_transparant.toml
# ~/.config/helix/themes/dracula_transparant.toml inherits = "dracula" "ui.background" = { fg = "foreground" } "ui.menu" = { fg = "white" } "ui.popup" = { fg = "white" } "ui.window" = { fg = "white" } "ui.help" = { fg = "light-gray" } "ui.statusline" = { fg = "gray" } "ui.statusline.inactive" = { fg = "black" }
# ~/.config/helix/config.toml theme="dracula_transparant"
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This post was a thought by Waylon Walker see all my thoughts at https://waylonwalker.com/thoughts