<iframe class='m-auto my-8' width="800" height="450" src="https://youtube.com/embed/5KE7Il7SOEk" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
This is something that I made up but use every single day, this is what keeps much of what is on my blog or my teams private work wiki going. I have a few very important directories that I have assigned directly to a hotkey for fast session switching.
bind -n M-i new-session -A -s waylonwalker_com "cd ~/git/waylonwalker.com/ && nvim" bind i popup -E -h 95% -w 95% -x 100% "tmux new-session -A -s waylonwalker_com 'cd ~/git/waylonwalker.com/ && nvim'" bind -n M-I popup -E "tmux new-session -A -s waylonwalker_com 'cd ~/git/waylonwalker.com/ && nvim'"
This one is building off of yeserday's new-session post, make sure you check that one out as well.
for more information on how I navigate tmux, check out this full post
Also check out the full YouTube tmux-playlist to see all of the videos in this series.