vim notes #

nvim lua #


nvim lsp #


Using c to change text #

I have gone quite awhile without using c and instead using d. The reason that I started using c is because it automatically places you into insert mode. This not only saves me one keystroke for commands such as diwi is now ciw, but it also works with the repeat . command!!! This is huge. When refactoring a document I had been creating a macro to change one word to another, using c instead of d allows the use of the . rather than needing to create a macro.

Case for vim #

Sublime/VSCode cannot

  • edit a macro register
  • register
  • quickfix
  • gF

autocomplete #

repeats previously typed text

1. Whole lines                                     |i CTRL-X CTRL-L|
2. keywords in the current file                    |i CTRL-X CTRL-N|
3. keywords in 'dictionary'                        |i CTRL-X CTRL-K|
4. keywords in 'thesaurus', thesaurus-style        |i CTRL-X CTRL-T|
5. keywords in the current and included files      |i CTRL-X CTRL-I|
6. tags                                            |i CTRL-X CTRL-]|
7. file names                                      |i CTRL-X CTRL-F|
8. definitions or macros                           |i CTRL-X CTRL-D|
9. Vim command-line                                |i CTRL-X CTRL-V|
10. User defined completion                        |i CTRL-X CTRL-U|
11. omni completion                                |i CTRL-X CTRL-O|
12. Spelling suggestions                           |i CTRL-X s|
13. keywords in 'complete'                         |i CTRL-N|

z-commands #

zn Fold none: reset 'foldenable'. All folds will be open.