Here's the diff, this is it.
local M = {} M.setup = require("waylonwalker.setup") M.settings = require("waylonwalker.settings") + M.lazy = require("waylonwalker.lazy") M.options = require("waylonwalker.options") M.globals = require("waylonwalker.globals") M.keymap = require("waylonwalker.keymap") - M.lazy = require("waylonwalker.lazy") M.autocmds = require("waylonwalker.autocmds") M.util = require("waylonwalker.util") M.plugins = require("waylonwalker.plugins") M.snippets = require("waylonwalker.snippets") return M
The error #
On first install of my dotfiles I'm presenting with this flashbang of an error filling the screen with red background. Its kinda hard to read, I'm not deep into lua and reading their tracebacks. It pops up in this pager that if I scroll too far it quits and the error is gone before I know what it is or how it got there.
For the longest time it just felt like it randomly showed up without much warning.
I sent ai at the issue #
I tried some chatgpt and windsurf, both gave me overconfident answers that all did nothing. They just sent me in loops for way too long.
I fixed it #
What did it take??
Just sitting down and thinking about what the problem was and setting up a good test workflow. Yesterday I worked out testing-nvim-installs and I was immediately able to replicate the error over and over. Unlike before where it felt random, I now have a good problem statement that I can replicate.
- clean install
- start nvim
- Lazy pops up
- FLASHBANG!! Error that treesitter is not installed
What was confusing for so long was that treesitter was the first thing in lazy, and it appeared that lazy was running before the error.
The fix #
Once I really thought about init.lua
and there it was, lazy
running after things that use treesitter. A little ++d+d+k+k+k+k+k+p++ and it
was fixed. running just testnvim
the next time there was no flashbang!
local M = {} M.setup = require("waylonwalker.setup") M.settings = require("waylonwalker.settings") + M.lazy = require("waylonwalker.lazy") M.options = require("waylonwalker.options") M.globals = require("waylonwalker.globals") M.keymap = require("waylonwalker.keymap") - M.lazy = require("waylonwalker.lazy") M.autocmds = require("waylonwalker.autocmds") M.util = require("waylonwalker.util") M.plugins = require("waylonwalker.plugins") M.snippets = require("waylonwalker.snippets") return M