Running your kedro pipeline from the command line could not be any easier to get started. This is a concept that you may or may not do often depending on your workflow, but its good to have under your belt. I personally do this half the time and run from ipython half the time. In production, I mostly use docker and that is all done with this cli.


πŸ‘† Unsure what kedro is? Check out this post.

Kedro run

To run the whole darn project all we need to do is fire up a terminal, activate our environment, and tell kedro to run.

kedro run

Specific Pipelines

Running a sub pipeline that we have created is as easy as telling kedro which one we want to run.

kedro run --pipeline dp

Single Nodes

While developing a node or a small list of nodes in a larger pipeline its handy to be able to run them one at a time. Besides the use case of developing a single node I would not reccomend leaning very heavy on running single nodes, let the DAG do the work of figuring out which nodes to run for you.

kedro run --pipeline dp --node create_model_input_table_node
kedro run --pipeline dp -n create_model_input_table_node

Some DAG concepts

We will cover more of the benefits that we get from the graph nature of the DAG in the future, but here is a quick peek at some things we can do.

kedro run --pipeline dp --to-outputs preprocessed_shuttles
kedro run --pipeline dp --from-inputs preprocessed_shuttles
kedro run --pipeline dp --to-nodes create_model_input_table_node

Multiple things

You can stack up multiple kedro dag concepts into a single run command.

kedro run --pipeline dp --to-nodes create_model_input_table_node --to-nodes preprocess_shuttles_node