Setting up python with the native nvim>0.5 lsp was mr
lsp-config #
lua << EOF require'lspconfig'.pyright.setup{} EOF
pyls#190 #
lspconfig.pyls.setup { cmd = {"pyls"}, filetypes = {"python"}, settings = { pyls = { configurationSources = {"flake8"}, plugins = { jedi_completion = {enabled = true}, jedi_hover = {enabled = true}, jedi_references = {enabled = true}, jedi_signature_help = {enabled = true}, jedi_symbols = {enabled = true, all_scopes = true}, pycodestyle = {enabled = false}, flake8 = { enabled = true, ignore = {}, maxLineLength = 160 }, mypy = {enabled = false}, isort = {enabled = false}, yapf = {enabled = false}, pylint = {enabled = false}, pydocstyle = {enabled = false}, mccabe = {enabled = false}, preload = {enabled = false}, rope_completion = {enabled = false} } } }, on_attach = on_attach }
mypy #
Getting mypy working with lsp was tricky for me. I had some issues trying to run mypy in ci and pyright in my editor and I really wanted them to match.
pipx install 'python-lsp-server[all]' pipx inject python-lsp-server pylsp-mypy