πŸ‘‹ Hi, I am Waylon Walker. Husband, Father of two, and creator things on the web, learning, and teaching others. I play lots of Minecraft, make art, and skate everyday with my kids. I finish the day binging episodes of Big Bang Theory with my wife.

I believe in a decentralized platform where everyone has their own space on this internet to share their thoughts and ideas. I created my blogging platform from scratch to learn about building tools with pluggy and diskcache. I was frustrated with long build times, black holes of node modules, bloated pages, and a lack of built in SEO tools. Instead I built my own under funded, over dreamed, nearly undocumented framework to that I love and maintain.

I am a Senior Software Engineer specializing in building data pipelines and web platforms with python.

If you are wondering what all makes up this site and how I think about it see about-this-site or how the site is built and the specific tech stack in colophon.

slash pages #

Some evergreen pages that are more about me or this site.

  • ahrefs-cleanup-2024 - This post is a big work in progress, expect it to keep getting better. Initial Score ![image](https://dropper.wayl.one/api/file/b26d4352-1bce-43a1-942e-bd6d7bd7

  • cold-builds - Here are a list of some cold builds from my site. I've ran this site for a long time and would like to have some references to go back to, and wish I had

  • analytics - I've been posting on this site since 2016, when there was a huge rollout of layoffs at the company I was working at at the time. In fear of being laid off

  • start - Welcome to waylonwalker.com, my small corner of the internet. I currently have {{ markata.feeds.archive.posts | length }} posts published, here are some links

  • colophon - Colophon a page that describes how the site is made, with what tools, supporting what technologies Author ![Waylon Walker'

  • thoughts-456 - Ok, second post on this one. I am sending only head requests, so I want to see the first request for the image, which h

  • thoughts-455 - This is a test post. I just updated the chrome extension for thoughts to take a the thumbnail image on open of the chro

  • thoughts-454 - I really like this idea of keeping a set up contacts in a markdown repo, and being able to wikilink them to different ti

  • thoughts-449 - Damn I'm loving using dropper already, I am able to copy paste images right into posts on thoughts. This is my first po

  • thoughts-447 - Dropper is a place for me to drop files for quick posts like this. ![image](https://dropper.wayl.one/api/file/c3a4c39d-

  • blogging-in-2024 - Over the past years couple of years blog traffic has been tanking, for some time I thought it might have just been me, but then i heard it from Dave Rupert on S

  • latest - My latest blog post is {{ markata.feeds.blogfeed.posts[0].slug }}. Click the link if you are not automatically redirected.

  • about-this-site - I registered waylonwalker.com and started making content for it in 2017 after a big industry downturn in 2016 that left me scared for what would happen if I wer

  • thoughts - These are generally my thoughts on a web page or some sort of url, except a rare few don't have a link. These are dual published off of my [thoughts.waylo

  • thoughts-136 - Yet again twitter cards were causing me pain. This time it was me not realizing that they require full urls, and not re

  • links - twitter twitch github [dev.to](https://dev.to/waylonw

  • vim-markdown-links - Let's make a vim command to automatically collect all the links in these posts at the end of each article. Regex confuses the heck out of me... I don&#x27

  • about - πŸ‘‹ Hi, I am Waylon Walker. Husband, Father of two, and creator things on the web, learning, and teaching others. I play lots of Minecraft, make art, and skate

  • uses - This is a listing of all the things that I use on a daily basis to build data pipelines, lead my team, and build this website. Installation Everything installed

  • sample - title subtitle sub-subtitle sub-sub-subtitle sub-sub-sub-subtitle sub-sub-sub-sub-subtitle Paragraph Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, se

  • expand-one-line-links - I wanted a super simple way to cross-link blog posts that require as little effort as possible, yet still looks good in vanilla markdown in GitHub. I have been

  • thank-you - You're awesome! Thanks for subscribing to my newsletter.