Colophon a page that describes how the site is made, with what tools, supporting what technologies
All posts on this site are written by Waylon Walker, the typical content has changed and evolved over time. I go back and make a few corrections, but for the most part things stay pretty much as they were published originally.
see more in about
This site is a static site build with my own static site generator markata , thoughts or as Simon Willison calls it a link blog posts are pulled in as a regular posts, all is hosted on cloudflare pages.
see more about these components in about-this-site
Some evergreen pages that are more about me or this site from the meta feed.
cold-builds - Here are a list of some cold builds from my site. I've ran this site for a long time and would like to have some references to go back to, and wish I had
analytics - I've been posting on this site since 2016, when there was a huge rollout of layoffs at the company I was working at at the time. In fear of being laid off
start - Welcome to waylonwalker.com, my small corner of the internet. I currently have {{ markata.feeds.archive.posts | length }} posts published, here are some links
colophon - Colophon a page that describes how the site is made, with what tools, supporting what technologies Author ![Waylon Walker'
thoughts-456 - Ok, second post on this one. I am sending only head requests, so I want to see the first request for the image, which h
thoughts-455 - This is a test post. I just updated the chrome extension for thoughts to take a the thumbnail image on open of the chro
thoughts-454 - I really like this idea of keeping a set up contacts in a markdown repo, and being able to wikilink them to different ti
thoughts-449 - Damn I'm loving using dropper already, I am able to copy paste images right into posts on thoughts. This is my first po
thoughts-447 - Dropper is a place for me to drop files for quick posts like this. ![image](https://dropper.wayl.one/api/file/c3a4c39d-
blogging-in-2024 - Over the past years couple of years blog traffic has been tanking, for some time I thought it might have just been me, but then i heard it from Dave Rupert on S
latest - My latest blog post is {{ markata.feeds.blogfeed.posts[0].slug }} . Click the link if you are not automatically redirected.
about-this-site - I registered waylonwalker.com and started making content for it in 2017 after a big industry downturn in 2016 that left me scared for what would happen if I wer
thoughts - These are generally my thoughts on a web page or some sort of url, except a rare few don't have a link. These are dual published off of my [thoughts.waylo
thoughts-136 - Yet again twitter cards were causing me pain. This time it was me not realizing that they require full urls, and not re
links - twitter twitch github [dev.to](https://dev.to/waylonw
vim-markdown-links - Let's make a vim command to automatically collect all the links in these posts at the end of each article. Regex confuses the heck out of me... I don'
about - 👋 Hi, I am Waylon Walker. Husband, Father of two, and creator things on the web, learning, and teaching others. I play lots of Minecraft, make art, and skate
uses - This is a listing of all the things that I use on a daily basis to build data pipelines, lead my team, and build this website. Installation Everything installed
expand-one-line-links - I wanted a super simple way to cross-link blog posts that require as little effort as possible, yet still looks good in vanilla markdown in GitHub. I have been
thank-you - You're awesome! Thanks for subscribing to my newsletter.