Today I learned that the docs in postiz are a bit behind, (fantastic docs btw, This looking into my running instance I can see my images there.
💭 Depot
Just learned about depot today ironically because it seems to be down and fly is using them under the hood to do the con
💭 Deploy To Fly Using A Depot Builder
Here the integration to depot appears to be opt in using the --depot flag on fly deploy. This must have changed ove
💭 Status | Depot
Depot's uptime seems to be great. I definitely hit some issues with it this afternoon 12/24/24 that were not reported.
💭 Docker Context (And An Issue To Question Your Sa...
Dang context can really cause you to pull your hair out. Context seems so freaking convenient, but I've avoided it and
💭 Introduction - Bootc
bootc is the underlying technology that enables OS's like bazzite, and Aurora from the uBlue ecosystem.
💭 Podman Requries Qemu-System On Ubuntu
podman requires qemu-system on bash ❯ podman machine init Looking up Podman Machine image at quay.io/podman/machi
💭 Distrobox
distrobox gives you distrobox-host-exec to run commands on the host. This is handy to get access to host level clis th
💭 Uptime Kuma
Uptime kuma is a fantastic self hosted monitoring tool. One docker run command and you are up and running. Once you ar
💭 Creating K8S Jobs With Python
I was looking to add running kubernetes jobs to a python cli I am creating, and I found this solution, mostly thanks to
💭 Translate A Docker Compose File To Kubernetes Re...
kompose is a sick cli to convert docker-compose.yml to kubernetes manifest. bash install curl -L https://githu
💭 Daniel Nashed'S Blog
Running your own docker registry in one line bash podman run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry regi
💭 How To Run Pods As Systemd Services With Podman ...
podman comes with a nice command for generating systemd service files (units). bash $ podman pod create --name=my-p