๐ญ Github - Ngalaiko/Tree-Sitter-Go-Template: Golan...
This setup fixed my nvim syntax highlighting in helm templates.
K8S Kustomize Diff
I You can enable color diffs by using an external diff provider like colordiff. You might need to install colordiff if you don Now I can try out kustomize chang
Kubectl Dash K
Kubernetes ships with a feature called kustomize that allows you to customize In order to use kustomize you need to have a kustomization.yaml, The kustomization
๐ญ Kustomize: The Best Way To Manage Your Kubernete...
Great intro into kustomize. This helped me get started with kustomize.
Kind Cluster
Kind is Kubernetes in Docker, its very fast to get a new cluster up and If you are looking for a production ready cluster this is not it. I really The first st
Install Sealed-Secreats Via Manifest
Yesterday I realized that I have overlooked the default installation method of
๐ญ Releases ยท Stackrox/Kube-Linter
A linter for linting kubernetes manifests and help charts.
๐ญ Argoproj/Argo-Events: Event-Driven Automation Fr...
Argo events is an event driven automation framework for kubernetes that can create kubernetes objects among other things
๐ญ Eraser-Dev/Eraser: ๐งน Cleaning Up Images From Kub...
This is kinda sick, its a tool to clean up container images in a k8s cluster.
๐ญ How To Restart All Pods In A Kubernetes Namespac...
As of kubernetes 1.15 there is an easy way to restart all pods in a deployment. bash kubectl -n {NAMESPACE} rollout
๐ญ Manual Upgrades | K3S
You can give k3s an install channel to install stable, latest, or specific versions like 1.26. This is handy to
๐ญ Argocd Automated Sync
yaml --- apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Application metadata: name: kanboard namespace: argocd spec:
Scheduling Cron Jobs In Kubernetes
For my reader app I am using cronjobs to schedule my a new build and upload to
๐ญ Sealed Secrets
kubeseal is a pretty simple to get started with way to manage secrets such that they can be stored in a git repo and be
Kubernetes Kubeseal
In my homelab kubernetes cluster I am using kubeseal to encrypt secrets. I You see kubeseal encrypts your secrets with a private key only stored in your Instal
Kubernetes 6 Months In
I stumbled into kubernetes December 2023 when I was looking for a better way This post turned into a list of tools that I have adopted into my k8s workflow, Kom
๐ญ Configure Liveness, Readiness And Startup Probes...
What is the difference between health, liveness, readiness, and startup? This article does a great job at a full writeu