π AI workloads on Talos Linux - Sidero Labs
cool article for setting up talos linux with an nvidia gpu. What a wild world it we are living in where these devices t
π Why is Kubernetes everywhere? | Kelsey Hightower...
Kelsey says several times in this interview, you don't need kubernetes. If you are running one node you don't need kube
π poolers.postgresql.cnpg.io CRD metadata.annotati...
I've never seen or needed to use a serversideapply in kubernetes before, but I ran into this same issue in my k3s homela
π Keycloak
Keycloak looks like an interesting way to setup sso. It's part of the cncf so it's got a good backing. I want somethin
π GitHub - ngalaiko/tree-sitter-go-template: Golan...
This setup fixed my nvim syntax highlighting in helm templates.
slow nfs performance
I'm running a two node k3s cluster at home, I _thought_ I could simply mount an nfs share on each worker node, and essentially have the same storage accros
π Changelog on X: "π£οΈ@dhh on Kubernetes' migration...
switching cloud providers, theres no easy way. K8s was supposed to get us there, haha, the deep integrations with each
π Inside Argo: Automating the Future - YouTube
This is a really amazing documentary of argocd. I got into k8s pretty late in the game. Which is pretty typical for me
π Cluster API book
Cluster API book
k8s kustomize diff
I've started leaning in on kubernetes kustomize to customize my manifests per deployment per environment. Today I learned that it comes with a diff comman
kubectl dash k
Kubernetes ships with a feature called kustomize that allows you to customize your manifests in a declarative way. It's a bit like helm, but easier to use
π Kustomize: The Best Way to Manage Your Kubernete...
Great intro into kustomize. This helped me get started with kustomize.
Install sealed-secreats via manifest
Yesterday I realized that I have overlooked the default installation method of the sealed secrets controller for [[ kubernetes-kubeseal ]] this whole time an ju
kind cluster
[kind](https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/){.hoverlink} is a very useful tool to quickly standup and teardown kubernetes clusters. I use it to run clusters locally. Gen
π Where DOESNβT curl run with curl BDFL Daniel Ste...
Love how Daniel just brushed off the number of netflix tv installs as small beans for curl installs. overall great epis
π Releases Β· stackrox/kube-linter
A linter for linting kubernetes manifests and help charts.
π argoproj/argo-events: Event-driven Automation Fr...
Argo events is an event driven automation framework for kubernetes that can create kubernetes objects among other things
π eraser-dev/eraser: π§Ή Cleaning up images from Kub...
This is kinda sick, its a tool to clean up container images in a k8s cluster.
π How to Restart All Pods in a Kubernetes Namespac...
As of kubernetes 1.15 there is an easy way to restart all pods in a deployment. bash kubectl -n {NAMESPACE} rollout
π argocd automated sync
yaml --- apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Application metadata: name: kanboard namespace: argocd spec:
π Manual Upgrades | K3s
You can give k3s an install channel to install stable, latest, or specific versions like 1.26. This is handy to
scheduling cron jobs in kubernetes
For my reader app I am using cronjobs to schedule my a new build and upload to cloudflare pages every hour. In this example I have built a docker image `docker
π Sealed Secrets
kubeseal is a pretty simple to get started with way to manage secrets such that they can be stored in a git repo and be
kubernetes kubeseal
In my homelab kubernetes cluster I am using kubeseal to encrypt secrets. I have been using it successfully for a few months now wtih great success. It allows m
kubernetes 6 months in
I stumbled into kubernetes December 2023 when I was looking for a better way to self host applications. I was looking for something that didn't require
π Configure Liveness, Readiness and Startup Probes...
What is the difference between health, liveness, readiness, and startup? This article does a great job at a full writeu
π Uptime Kuma
Uptime kuma is a fantastic self hosted monitoring tool. One docker run command and you are up and running. Once you ar
π Kubernetes Secrets in 5 Minutes! - YouTube
I am converting my docker compose env secrets over to k8s secrets. This guide was clear and to the point how I can repl
π Waylon Walker π on X: "Which is more complicated...
Wow, shocked at these results. All this time I've been told and believed that k8s is incredibly hard, and you need a $1
π Creating k8s jobs with python
I was looking to add running kubernetes jobs to a python cli I am creating, and I found this solution, mostly thanks to
π mkimuram/k8sviz: Generate Kubernetes architectur...
This is a sick kubernetes architecture diagran generation tool. Here is an example ![an example output from k8sviz](ht
π Translate a Docker Compose File to Kubernetes Re...
kompose is a sick cli to convert docker-compose.yml to kubernetes manifest. bash install curl -L https://githu
π Kubernetes Persistent Volumes with Deployment an...
Example of how to add a pvc to a deployment.
π Inspect a Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaim | Fra...
I was curious to see what was going on inside of my minio object storage. Great technique here by Frank to create an ins
π Can't create Secret in Kubernetes: illegal base6...
In order to use k8s secrets manifest you first need to encode the data values. bash echo -n 'megasecretkey' | ope
π Can I access k3s using just kubectl (no sudo and...
Right after installing k3s you are going to need to use sudo to use any kubectl command. The reason for this is tha
π Quick-Start Guide | K3s
I recently spun up k3s in my homelab. I'm trying to offload some work off of my free tier fly.io app in order to keep i