π Aaron Francis On X: "π£ We'Re Excited To Announce...
Aaron Francis is a database master, pumped for thsi dude and all that he is able to accomplish.
Sqlite Vacuum
Today I learned how to VACUUM a sqlite database and cut its size in about half. Why is it important to do a VACUUM? In short its becuase the file system gets To
π Searching My Thoughts Locally
First I need to fetch my thoughts from the api, and put it in a local sqlite database using sqlite-utils. bash ft
π Open Source, Not Open Contribution With Ben John...
Ben Johnson was on the Changelog a few years back covering his work on litestream, and talks about why he chose to go op
π Djangocon Europe 2023 | Use Sqlite In Production...
Very inspiring talk, TLDR, you probably don't need a database server. sqlite will probably be faster, simpler to mainta
π Benbjohnson/Litestream: Streaming Replication Fo...
litestream is a sick cli tool for steaming replicas of sqlite. It automatically does daily snapshots, and str
Set Up Minio Bucket Entrypoint
I recently se tup minio object storage in my homelab for litestream sqlite First I had to configure the Key ID and Secret Access Key generated in the Then set t
π Litefs Cloud: Distributed Sqlite With Managed Ba...
Fly.io's solution to sqlite managed backups.I definitely want to look into this a bit, but moreso the tech under the hoo
π I'M All-In On Server-Side Sqlite Β· The Fly Blog
SQLite is the next big database trend. with more horizontal scaling, close to user read heavy applications, having your
π Why I Built Litestream - Litestream
As applications scale to the edge, to put compute as close to the user as possible, database queries back to the master
Serious question. But, why. It Don Why is that? Because there is nothing else to stand up. Nothing else to Don SQLite is a file on your filesystem. It this mean
π Sqlite Fts5 Extension
sqlite has 3 different tokenizers, porter, ascii, trigram. These can be used with sqlite-utils. bash sqlite-ut
π Simonw/Datasette-Render-Markdown: Datasette Plug...
datasette really does everything doesn't it!
π Use Alembic Check To Check For Possible Upgrades
Since using alembic I have been just running out a new revision checking its content and deleting it if its empty, today
π `Valueerror: Constraint Must Have A Name` In Ale...
After a nasty time with alembic upgrades, thoughts is about to get a new users table. This may have came from incorrect
π Duckdb Vs. MotherduckβββShould You Switch To The...
duckdb is a new in process database that has been making its rounds in analytics for its high performance in those appli
π S3-Tree Β· Pypi
Super useful way to show a tree view of an s3 bucket's structure! python pip install s3-tree python s3-t
π Kndndrj/Nvim-Dbee: Interactive Database Client F...
A neovim database client that I need to check out.
π Sqlite-Utils Command-Line Tool - Sqlite-Utils
insert a json array directly into into sqlite with sqlite-utils. bash echo '{"name": "Cleo", "age": 4}' | sqlite-ut
π Sqlite-Utils Command-Line Tool - Sqlite-Utils
I want to like jq, but I think Simon is selling me on sqlite, maybe its just me but this looks readable, hackable, edita
π Full-Text Search - Datasette Documentation
Enable full-text search in sqlite using sqlite-utils. bash $ sqlite-utils enable-fts mydatabase.db items name descr
π Sql On Pandas - Duckdb
duckdb can just query any pandas dataframe that is in memory. > I tried running it against a list of objects and got th
π Python Api - Duckdb
To persist data in duckdb you need to first make a connection to a duck db database. python con = duckdb.connect('f
π Harlequin Sql Ide - Duckdb
Harlequin is a pretty sweet example of what textual can be used to create. Its a terminal based sql ide for DuckDB.
π Sqlite-Utils Now Supports Plugins
As the title states sqlite-utils now supports plugins. I dug in just a bit and Simon implemented this completely with e
Running Kedro On Ubuntu 21.10 Impish Indri
I just installed a brand new Ubuntu 21.10 Impish Indri, and wanted a But what I got back was not what I expected This is weird, why cant I run kedro new with pi
Jut | Read Notebooks In The Terminal
Trying to read a .ipynb file without starting a jupyter server? jut has you https://youtu.be/t8AvImnwor0 watch the video version of this post on jut ! Take a
Zev Averbach Interview
Zev Averbach, Q: Tell me about your journey as a spreadsheet jockey into Data Engineering? A: First of all, it I Now that I As the business grew I was spending
Minimal Kedro Pipeline
How small can a minimum kedro pipeline ready to package be? I made one within 4 files that you can pip install. It π Note this is only a composable pipeline,
Kedro - My Data Is Not A Table
In python data science/engineering most of our data is in the form of some sort These containers for data contain many convenient methods to manipulate table [
Gracefully Adopt Kedro, The Catalog
While using the catalog alone will not reap all of the benefits of the framework, it does get you and your project ready for the full framework eventually. For
How To Find Things In Your Kedro Catalog
kedro 0.16.2 just dropped last week with a long-awaited feature... The kedro data catalog is a key component to the kedro framework. It handles all data loadi
How Kedro Handles Your Inputs
Passing inputs into kedro is a key concept. Understanding how it accepts a Check out this post for a review of how [ When kedro runs your pipeline it uses the
Combine a directory of
load remote
Create Custom Kedro Dataset
Kedro provides an efficient way to build out data catalogs with their yaml api. It allows you to be very declaritive about loading and saving your data. For t
What Is Your Advice For New Data Scientists
Learn the business Learn Git Your code does not need to be amazing Keep Learning You dont have to start out as a git wizard with the cleanest possible commit hi
Filtering Pandas
Filtering pandas DataFrames many different ways.
Clean Up Your Data Science With Named Tuples
If you are a regular listener of As you graduate your scripts into modules and libraries you might start to notice that you need to pass a lot of data around t
Background Tasks In Python For Data Science
This post is intended as an extension/update from This post is intended as an extension/update from I use it in more places than I probably should Before we g
Generating Readme Tables From Pandas
Stepping Up My Sql Game
Background Tasks In Python