💠poolers.postgresql.cnpg.io CRD metadata.annotati...
I've never seen or needed to use a serversideapply in kubernetes before, but I ran into this same issue in my k3s homela
💠Inside Argo: Automating the Future - YouTube
This is a really amazing documentary of argocd. I got into k8s pretty late in the game. Which is pretty typical for me
💠I'm Coming Around To Go... - YouTube
Go is feeling more and more like something I could throw in my tool belt as a python dev. I really like that it's garba
💠Go by Example
Fantastic resource for learning go. You work through small examples quickly, learning single concepts along the way.
Getting Started with Django REST framework
In my adventure to learn django, I want to be able to setup REST api's to feed into dynamic front end sites. Potentially sites running react under the hood
django create superuser
My next step into django made me realize that I do not have access to the admin panel, turns out that I need to create a cuper user first. !["cybernetic so
django disallowed host
I am continuing my journey into django, but today I am not at my workstation. I am ssh'd in remotely from a chromebook. I am fully outside of my network,
Trying out django
I have no experience in django, and in my exploration to become a better python developer I am dipping my toe into one of the most polished and widely used web
It's not all about winning
This is my story into data science.
2019 goals
2019 goals
2018 Retrospective
2018 was a year of many ups and downs, and learning to deal with a whole new set of problems professionally and at home. In 2018 I logged in to my first Linux