How I Present Markdown Slides From The Terminal
I love the freedom of writing in markdown. It allows me to write content from I will most often just present right from the terminal using I sometimes also use
Open Files With Nvim Remote
I recently found a really great I have this added to my In my workflow I open a tmux session for each project, so this First open neovim, but with the If you
Textual Popup Hack
As I am toying around with textual, I am wanting some popup user input The main issue is that when you are in a textual app, it kinda owns the textual is still
A Better Copy-Mode Bind For Tmux
The default keybinding for copy-mode To do this I just popped open my I have a full video on copy-mode you can find here. [
Tmux And Vim Clipboard For Ubuntu
One of the first things I noticed broken in my terminal based workflow moving First off you need to get I have tmux setup to automatically copy any selection I
Tmux Hotkey For Copier Templates
I have added a hotkey to my copier template setup to quickly access all my I
Tmux Pop Size
tmux popups can be sized how you like based on the % width of the example running these commands
Tmux Detach
tmux detach is a handy tmux command that will quit your current session while default keybinding I have mine bound to for more information on how I navigate tm
Tmux Attach
https://youtu.be/JQ0yDCVu44E attach is one of the most useful features of tmux. If you have no interest in this command will simply attach back to tmux if you
Tmux Ls
tmux ls will list the sessions that you have running within the tmux server if [ [ for more information on how I navigate tmux, check out this full post Also ch
Tmux Command Line
So far we have covered a lot of tmux commands and how they map to keybindings Let Or we can open the tmux command line and run it from tmux 🗒️ note that the tmu
Tmux Copy-Mode
tmux copy-mode is a tmux mode that lets you scroll, search, copy, and jump your Default keybinding to get into copy mode is If you are a vim user you will like
Tmux Join-Pane
Join-pane allows you to join panes that you have broken away from your window, Before you can join a pane you must first have a pane marked to join. Once you M
Tmux Break-Pane
Break-pane is a handy tmux command when your layout gets too cramped and you Default key binding for [ for more information on how I navigate tmux, check out t
Tmux Zoom
Zooming into the current split in tmux is a valuable tool to give yourself some Default key bindings for zooming the current split I have rebound this to match
Tmux New-Window
New window as it sounds makes new windows in tmux. Windows are kind of like Default key bindings for creating and navigating windows in tmux. As always I have
Tmux Slect-Pane
These are my MOST often used keybindings that I use in tmux. They allow me to [ for more information on how I navigate tmux, check out this full post
Tmux Rotate-Window
Rotate window is the main way that I navigated tmux before I learned Default keybindings My keybindings look just a bit different than the default ones, I do no
Tmux Select-Layout
When you get many splits going in tmux sometimes its time for a new layout. [ for more information on how I navigate tmux, check out this full post
Tmux Resize-Panes
Resizing panes in tmux can be quite difficult in default tmux, I Most often when I need to resize panes I just grab the edge of the pane with my [ for more info
Tmux Choose-Tree
Choose tree is a powerful tmux utility that provides a graphical interface to The default keybinding my preferred keybinding to open sessions and windows collap
Tmux Prefix
The prefix key is an essential part of tmux, by default all of tmux A few of the essential default key-bindings. A more complete list of key-bindings can be fou
Tmux Splitting Panes
splitting panes is a core feature of tmux. It allows us to split the terminal 🗒️ note that [ for more information on how I navigate tmux, check out this full
Tmux Last Session
An ultimate productivity key-binding in tmux is one to switch to the last session. I use this to quickly get between sessions really quick. Often I am working
Tmux Floating Popups
Tmux popups are actually floating windows that you can drag around the screen. They always open in the middle (by default) when you open them, no matter where
Tmux Popups
Tmux-popups are a great feature that is relatively new to tmux, many repos such [ for more information on how I navigate tmux, check out this full post I use po
How I Navigate Tmux In 2021
In 2021 I changed the way I navigate between tmux sessions big time. Now I can Since making this post, I have made ~20 other posts in short form that all have
If Tmux
I do much of my work from tmux, I love it so much that I want to setup some Bash function to check if the shell is in a tmux session. I often open up vim to do
Keyboard Driven Vscode
Reimagining my tmux configuration inside of vscode.