π The Future Of Htmx - Youtube
I like the charts that Theo brings to to these videos. Shout out for a positive k8s reference and not shitting on it.
π Animate To Height: Auto; (And Other Intrinsic Si...
Css is getting so good, new things like interpolate-size are making things that use to require some deep expertise and h
π Owning It Β· Matthias Ott
I can say I had the same kind of feelings when I first saw something called "Own Your Web" being run in Buttondown. I t
π About Me β Harry Roberts β Web Performance Consu...
I've only recently learned what colophon means, and I really like to read through site that use it. If you don't know i
π Realign β Chris Coyier
Chris Coyier had a small re-align on his site, some good nuggets in here. > I like the idea of having a photo of myself
π Own Your Web β’ Buttondown
I'm a sucker for good own your own shit on the web blogs, and Matthias Ott has a top notch one here. The archive has be
π We Need To Have A Talk... - Youtube
Theo does a fantastic history of serverless here. Kubernetes shit Theo can't have an infra video without shitting o
π Slash Pages
A nice list of slashpages you might want to consider including / aliasing / 301ing. These feel like nice things to setup
All posts on this site are written by see more in This site is a static site build with my own static site generator [ [ cloudflare pages see more about thes
π Why Your Backend Shouldn'T Serve Files - Youtube
Lane from boot.dev madde this fantastic video about serving files on the internet. It has me wondering if I need to ret
π Addy Osmani: "Tip: Chrome Devtools Can Override ...
WTF, you can just change a server response from devtools and update a vuejs app? Just tried with htmx, and my GET reque
π How To Configure Base Url For All Requests Using...
Today I learned how to configure the baseurl for htmx using the <base> tag. This is pretty handy to be able to configur
π The Beautiful Sentence That Is The Web
Nicely worded Cassidy! Javascript can be too much, it can bog down low powered devices, we can ship so much that its un
π 4 Tips For Building A Production-Ready Fastapi B...
Great list of 4 tips for running fastapi applications. Keep routes small Fat routers with all of the logic built
π Styling Better Custom Inputs With Dave Rupert - ...
Reminder to tune in later, can't watch now, but saw a link on Dave's blog. ![image](https://dropper.wayl.one/api/file/e
Thoughts 0.0.4
This is such an improvement to the backend of my website it warrants a blog Let This is the tiny ass form nested deeply in the flow of the feed. When I made th
Links Rely On Color To Be Distiniquishable
Today i got hit by this accessibility issue on my site. Low contrast links are I ended up dropping the background color of the site down a notch as I didn Now
π Hurl - Run And Test Http Requests
Hurl was mentioned by @gerhard on the latest [changelog and Friends](https://www.youtube.com/watc
π Wes Bos On X: "Are You Using Position: Absolute;...
This is a pretty incredible use of css grid to overlay items overtop of each other without needing to resort to positio
π Alternatives To Using Pure Black (#000000) For T...
A nice set of blacks to use in web design. Subtle variants off of black or white like this can really make your design l
π Buttery Icons
Some sick looking icons no attribution needed.
A slug is the part of the url that comes after the domain. Commonly matches the file name of a markdown file many blogging systems. These are typically human
π Text Cursor Bug In My Chrome Browser That Causes...
today I learned that there is an accessibility feature in chrome that allows you to place a text cursor anywhere on the
π Render-Blocking On Purpose
You can explicitly make a script render blocking, nothing will be rendered until this js is ready. html <script bl
π Fasthx
Very interesting approach to htmx and fast api. It uses separate decorators for returning template partials and json th
π Fasthx
Very interesting approach to htmx and fast api. It uses separate decorators for returning template partials and json th
π Background Tasks - Fastapi
fastapi comes with a concept of background tasks which are functions that can be ran in the background after a function
π One Script Tag Just Pwn'D Over 100,000 Websites ...
Supply chain attacks are so big these days engineers definitely need to take these into consideration. It's wild that s
π Adam Wathan, Creator Of Tailwindcss - Youtube
Two inspirational people in one podcast, its cool to see how adam thinks about code, css, webdev, and building businesse
π Customize And Apply Backgrounds Fast | Svg Backg...
svgbackgrounds is a really awesome resource for svg things recently featured on [https://shoptalkshow.com/618/](https://
π A Link Blog In The Year 2024 | Kellan Elliott-Mc...
Kellan brings some interesting thoughts on where the internet is headed in 2024. Interestingly I see myself headed in a
π A Link Blog In The Year 2024
THIS! is the same reasons that I built thoughts{.hoverlink}. Simon has bee a big i
π Blogmarks That Use Markdown
Oh I kinda like the name blogmark, as opposed to thoughts like I have chose for the same thing. Aparantly Simon beat me
Tailwind Post Template
Today I am playing around with tailwind, flexing the css muscle and learning I created a new post template that mimics a terminal look in css where I could I th
π How To Deliver Code Every Day | Jake Worth
Great set of tips here! > No waiting. No βwaiting until tomorrowβ or βItβs Friday, letβs wait until Mondayβ to deploy.
π Text Decoration - Tailwind Css
Tailwind calls strikethrough line-through. This caught me off guard and took me a minute to find. > Control how text i
π Fields - Pydantic
exclude=True and repr=False is a good pydantic combination for secret attributes such as user passwords, or hashed p
π > Htmx ~ The Response-Targets Extension
The htmx response-targets extension allows me to respond to errors from the backend and do normal htmx swaps. > !!! not
π White-Space - Css: Cascading Style Sheets | Mdn
html can preserve newline \n characters by styling an element with white-space: pre-wrap; > pre-wrap Sequences
π Handling Errors - Fastapi
This page shows how to customize your fastapi errors. I found this very useful to setup common templates so that I can
π Media Types
A full list of standard Accept types. This is a handy reference.
π Markdowndown
Small web app to convert html into markdown. Pretty cool idea. I actually want to look into this for reader and see how
Tailwind Animations
I learned that tailwind animations are pretty easy to add only needing a few Here are the classes that I used to transition my colors very slowly. And the entir
Tailwind Arbitrary Values
I learned not to fear the arbitrary size feature of tailwind. While building Don Learn more about using-arbitrary-values from their docs
Fix Npm Global Install Needs Sudo
Each time I go to set up npm I am frustrated by the errors saying that I don For the fix to remain persistent you need to put these two lines in your shell
Darkmode Scrollbars
If you are designing a website in dark mode the scrollbars can be finicky to Want a rounded scrollbar thumb? add these styles. This makes a very nice looking de
π Google Chrome - Webkit Scrollbar Css, Always A W...
This is how you fix the stupid corner section of a double scroll bar being white on a dark theme site. css ::-webk
π Node.Js - How To Fix Npm Throwing Error Without ...
Its sad that this is not the accepted answer. bash mkdir ~/.npm-global export NPMCONFIGPREFIX=~/.npm-global expo
π Building A Youtube Tool In 24 Hours To Prove A P...
So cool to see ROX build this over the course of a day.
π Cache Ruins Everything Around Me - Youtube
This is an interesting problem. I want to make a solution for this on htmx-patterns. I would make user specific routes
Jinja Loop Variable And Htmx
jinja has a loop variable that is very handy to use with htmx. Whether you Now for every chunk of contacts that we load we will trigger the infinite
π Fastapi Decorators
I've been using these decorators to modify the behavior of specific routes. It will do things like 404 admin only route
π Middleware Explained - Youtube
Great episode covering a seemingly simple topic. What I really benefitted from was hearing all the different use cases,
π Simon Willison On X: "Til Google Chrome Has A --...
Huh, so this is just built right into the chrome cli. python /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google
π Fastapi Https Url_For
jinja's urlfor in fastapi does not account for https by default, there is probably a better way, but this is a way t
π 605: Jim Nielsen On Subversive Urls, Blogging + ...
An absolute fantastic episode about blogging, thinking about a web1.0 kind of world today, and what it means moving forw
π Placehold | A Simple, Fast And Free Image Placeh...
This is a handy placeholder generator for generating placeholder items like images, and videos.
π I'M Skeptical Of Low Code - Youtube
Great take on low code. I have definitely felt the pressure of being presented low code options, "look it does almost e
π Template Designer Documentation β Jinja Document...
html code generated by my jinja templates generally look half garbage because of indents and whitespace all over the pla
π Indiewebify.Me - A Guide To Getting You On The I...
This is a sick guided site to validate indieweb tags on your site. It makes it much easier than trying to do it yoursel
π Bunny.Net - The Content Delivery Platform That T...
bunny.net looks like an interesting cloudflare alternative.
π Handling Errors - Fastapi
This page shows how to customize your fastapi errors. I found this very useful to setup common templates so that I can
π Fastapi - Dependency Inside Middleware? - Stack ...
After struggling to get dependencies inside of middleware I learned that you can make global dependencies at the app lev
π How To Group Fastapi Endpoints In Swagger Ui?
Setting tags in your fastapi endpoints will group them in the docs. You can also set some metadata around the t
π Logs With Fastapi And Uvicorn Β· Issue #1508 Β· Ti...
Setting an additional log handler to the uvicorn logger for access logs in fastapi was not straightforward, but This pos
π Show Some Equivalent List Comprehensions In Filt...
I often want to reach for non existing list comprehensions in jinja 2, Here are a few nice equivalents. python a: {
Hiding Form Input During Htmx Request
I am working on fokais.com It also felt like nothing was happening while sending the email to the user for Let The intent is to hide the spinner until the reque
π Adam Wathan On X: "Hear Me Out. Https://T.Co/Qhk...
I'm going to give this trick a shot on my sites, and see how I like it. css { min-width: 0 } Down in the
π Protect Api Docs Behind Authentication? Β· Issue ...
You can protect your fastapi docs behind auth so that not only can certain roles not run certain routes, but they cannot
π Path Operation Advanced Configuration - Fastapi
Excluding routes from fastapi docs, can be done from the route configuration using includeinschema. This is
π Cancel Subscriptions | Stripe Documentation
This is a handy guide to cancelling stripe subscriptions. python Set your secret key. Remember to switch to your
π Retrieve An Upcoming Invoice | Stripe Api Refere...
You can find your customers next billing date through the stripe api by using Invoice. and passing in customer, custom
π Stripe Keys And Ids
Stripe has so many keys and ids this is a very helpful list to decode what exactly an id is for.
π Search | Stripe Documentation
Stripe has it's own query language for querying data. I'm just getting into using it and it seems pretty good so far.
Looking For A Heroku Replacement, What I Found Was...
I Now the part that I have struggled with is how to cheaply host a server I never really deployed anything that useful on heroku, but it seems like the fly is a
π Page-Break-After - Css: Cascading Style Sheets |...
I'm working on something that might go to print, so I want the page breaks to happen somewhat in my control as the conte
π Css @Media Print Issues With Background-Color; -...
Get those print colors exact css body{ -webkit-print-color-adjust:exact !important; print-color-adjust:exact !i
Still Loving Tailwind
I A few months back in september of 2023 I made values are well thought out it classes that make sense tree shakable I started working on fokais.com only a few
π How To Build A Website Or App
Great tips in this one. They discuss everything from front end to backend, databases and ORMS, here are a few o
π Separations Of Concerns Is A Lie - Youtube
Nice take by @t3dotgg. Some of the old patterns that go deep into webdev, MVC, separati
π SebastiΓ‘n RamΓrez On X: "Now @Fastapi Has 65K+ G...
Fastapi passes flask in GitHub stars! [![screenshot of https://twitter.com/tiangolo/status/1729153717956715007](http://
π Heroicons
heroicons is a really nice set of many of the basic icons that you will need for building nice ui's. They have a really
π > Htmx ~ Locality Of Behaviour (Lob)
Interesting principle here. What a great example, If I'm looking at the second jQuery example, I have to dig into dev t
π Wes Bos On X: "π₯ The Stale-While-Revalidate Head...
Wes has some of the coolest OG images i've ever seen. Here he talks about how to enable cache configuration so that its
π Tailwind Connect 2023 β Keynote - Youtube
Tailwind comes with space that I have never heard of that is made to give margin and padding together in one class. A
π Has Web Development Regressed? A Conversation Wi...
Boot.dev is crushing it with these interviews. This one has Wes Bos, includes teaching, webdev, where is webdev headed.
π Twitter Requires Full Image_Urls
Yet again twitter cards were causing me pain. This time it was me not realizing that they require full urls, and not re
π Episode #433 Litestar: Effortlessly Build Perfor...
Litestar is an interesting api framework similar to fastpi, that I am interested to check out to see if it fits into som
π Sysid/Sse-Starlette
sse-starlette provides server sent events for startlette and FastApi. I'm evaluating for use with htmx. Installatio
π How To Create A Custom Scrollbar
Default scrollbars on a dark theme website are just the ugliest thing. This page covers all the pseudo selectors needed
π Overflow - Tailwind Css
Controlling overflow with tailwindcss Examples html <div class="overflow-visible ..."></div> <div class="overf
π Change Autocomplete Styles In Webkit Browsers | ...
All the hover, select, autofil, focus combinations have left me confused on how to consistently get my form elements sty
π Automatic Browser Reloading In Fastapi
I just discovered arel for hot reloading python applications when content changes from
π Florimondmanca/Arel: Lightweight Browser Hot Rel...
arel is a "Lightweight browser hot reload for Python ASGI web apps" I just implemented this on my thoughts website usin
π Teej Dv π On X: "Hypermedia Fixes This Hateoas G...
HATEOAS gonna hate. More and more htmx seems like the js library for backend devs. So rather than making 55 rest calls
Serious question. But, why. It Don Why is that? Because there is nothing else to stand up. Nothing else to Don SQLite is a file on your filesystem. It this mean
π Pagefind | Pagefind β Static Low-Bandwidth Searc...
Pagefind is absolutely insane. I've tried a number of static site searches, and found them all hard to get get going, c
A Case For Tailwindcss
I was watching @theprimeagen recently and I think he sold me on using All css classes are shitty, so you might as well use someone else So unlike big component
π Aca/Emmet-Ls: Emmet Support Based On Lsp.
This is the greatest nvim emmet plugin I have tried. In the past I had tried the vim plugin a few times and just could
π Formatter
Tried out biome today and it worked better than prettier on jinja templates, I might adopt this over prettier.
π > Htmx ~ Hx-Indicator Attribute
The htmx-request class is added to htmx-target elements. You can target this css selector to create loading state
π > Htmx ~ The Disable-Element Extension
An extension to disable elements during flight of an htmx request, Looks super useful for things like a create or delete
π The Truth About Htmx | Prime Reacts - Youtube
Prime concisely made sense of why htmx is so awesome compared to what has become modern reactive web dev in 2 minutes.
π > Htmx ~ Examples ~ Updating Other Content
Three ways to support updating other content. Fantastic article walking through the different ways to update other part
π Simonw/Shot-Scraper: A Command-Line Utility For ...
> A command-line utility for taking automated screenshots of websites Daaaang, this is such an elegantly simpl
π Html Over The Wire | Hotwire
An alternative approach to building modern web withhout heavy js and json, but instead html over the wire, keeping the l
π How To Use Html To Open A Link In A New Tab
Most of the time when creating links in html you want to maintain the default behavior, as this is what users are going
π Lifecycle Hooks | Vue.Js
A super handy reference to the vuejs lifecycle. <img src="https://vuejs.org/assets/lifecycle.16e4c08e.png" alt="vuejs l
π Python - How To Use A Pydantic Model With Form D...
I went down the route of leveraging the json-enc extention in htmx, but later realized that this completely breaks bro
π Debugging | Pywebview
How to enable debug mode in pywebview. python import webview webview.createwindow('Woah dude!', 'https://pywebvi
π Tailwind Css Crash Course - Youtube
Nice intro into tailwind, I definitely started grasping some of the concepts after watching Brad.
π Api β Jinja Documentation
I've definitely been missing out on setting up a proper jinja loader on a few projects, I need to lean on this a bit mor
π Api β Jinja Documentation
π€― jinja comes with a loader to pre-compile templates! Defihnitely need to look at this for markata, as jinja is t
π Gzip Compression Test | Giftofspeed
A nice tool to check compression on a public url.
π Wesley Aptekar-Cassels | Reasons To Avoid Javasc...
And this is why we don't run cdn in prod, respect your users who can't control where the assets are stored. There are s
π Flask Trailing Slashes 404
In flask apps I often get a 404 for routes with a trailing slash. This Stack Overflow post shows how to configure flask
π Chris Coyier On Twitter: "I Was Unaware Of `Text...
Next time I'm working with large headers on small screens I need to try this. I always truggle to get them to look goo
π Encodeuricomponent() - Javascript | Mdn
In order to send data that includes special characters such as / in a url you need to url encode it. You have probabl
π Doyensec On Twitter: "Announcing Wsrepl, The Web...
wsrepl is an epic websocket repl built in python on the textual framework.
π Doyensec/Wsrepl: Websocket Repl For Pentesters
Very inspiring textual project to check out how they set up the ui. Their intro video has a pretty epic dev experience.
π Dark Form
A nice codepen reference for dark forms. I am using it for my thoughts chrome extension.
π Htmx Looks Pretty Neat #Coding #Javascript - You...
Love the poling example with hx-trigger='every 1s'.
π Static Files - Fastapi
Mounting static files in fastapi. python from fastapi import FastAPI from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles a
π > Htmx ~ The Client-Side-Templates Extension
Using templates with htmx requires the client-side-templates extension, and the template engine to be loaded in a <scri
π Python 3.X - Fastapi Redirection For Trailing Sl...
I am trying to use htmx on a new fastapi site for my thoughts, and have been hitting this error. js Mixed Content:
π > Htmx ~ Documentation
A complete reference of all of the htmx swapping methods.
π Templates - Fastapi
A guide to add Jinja2Templates to fastapi.
π Template Designer Documentation β Jinja Document...
A feature of jinja that I just discovered is including sub templates. Here is an example from the docs. html {% in
π Pywebview
I am creating this post from a desktop app that I created in 3 lines. python import webview webview.createwindo
π Form Data - Fastapi
Getting form data inside of fastapi was not intuitive to me at first. Everything I had used in fastapi leaned on pydanti
π Session Vs Token Authentication In 100 Seconds -...
Great short explaination of session vs token authentication.
π Header Parameters - Fastapi
Getting request headers in fastapi has a pretty nice stetup, it allows you to get headers values as function arguments,
Getting Started With Django Rest Framework
In my adventure to learn django, I want to be able to setup REST api To get started lets open up a Now we need to declare Next I will create all the files tha
Django Disallowed Host
I am continuing my journey into django, but today I am not at my workstation. I I found this in
Django Create Superuser
My next step into django made me realize that I do not have access to the admin panel, turns out that I need to create a cuper user first. Right away when tryin
Trying Out Django
I have no experience in django, and in my exploration to become a better python If you found this at all helpful make sure you check out the The first thing I
Ease Into Htmx With Htmx-Get
I recently attended Start with some html boilerplate, pop in a script tag to add the Save this as If you don Now the page has a button that is ready to replace
Automatically Generate A List Of Markdown Links In...
Let Before you run someone Something that I have always appreciated form Searchng through the internet I was able to find an article from Here is my interpretat
Mermaid Highlight
Mermaid gives us a way to style nodes through the use of css, but rather than produces the following graph style one fill:#BADA55
Grouping Mermaid Nodes In Subgraphs
Mermaid provides some really great ways to group or fence in parts of your Here we can model some sort of data ingest with some raw iot device and our If we wan
Simple Plain Text Diagrams In Html
Since GitHub started supporting mermaid in their markdown I wanted to The docs kinda just jumped right into their mermaid language and really You just write me
Using A Python Markdown Ast To Find All Paragraphs
In looking for a way to automatically generate descriptions for pages I It When I originally wrote this post, I did not realize at the time that
Find All Headings With Beautifulsoup
BeautifulSoup is a DOM like library for python. It Lets make a sample.html file with the following contents. It mainly has Lets import our packages, read in o
Squoosh Cli
Today I discovered a sweet new cli for compressing images. ! First the main feature of squoosh is a What is even cooler is that once you have settings you are
Building Rich A Dev Server
I I am working on a project in which I want to have a dev automatic port number auto-restart display I am very novice at best when it comes to sockets, the fol
Site Down During Build
Recently I noticed a new netlify site of mine was down while I was checking to Do other Netlify sites go down during build??? Short Answer NO. All of my google
Adding Audio To My Blog Posts
This is episode 1 of the Waylon Walker Audio experience, posts from So I have had this idea for awhile to add audio to my blog posts. The idea Honestly I don I
Inspired by discourse's link expansion I am rolling out expansions for one line links on the blog
Expand One Line Links
I wanted a super simple way to cross-link blog posts that require as little effort as possible, yet still looks good in vanilla markdown in GitHub. I have been
Why Use A Cms
When first learning to code its very common to hard code everything right into Hard coding everything right into your code makes it really hard for The cms gene
How I Built My Github Profile
I ran a discussion on dev that collected quite a list of examples in the comment section. So many great calls to action, animations, memes, and weird tricks. U
Refactoring Your Blog Urls
I just did a quick refactoring of my JAMStack blog urls. Some didn [ When refactorings similar to this get really big I often need to do some My post urls are
Gatsby Scripts With Onload
This might be useful
Adding Google Fonts To A Gatsbyjs Site
Explicit Vs Implicit Returns In Javascript
Often when reading through javascript examples you will find some arrow Arrow functions are one-liner functions in javascript that have two main syntactical way
Do You Hoist
Do you have any use cases that you use hoising? Why? It seems like a really cool feature in any language that uses it, but I dont really notice it in use.
Custom Scrollbar Design
Getting a custom scrollbar on your site makes it stand out a bit compared to Inspired by Wes Bos Since My first step was to take his css and copy it into a sty
2020 Waylonwalker.Com Rebrand
I documented the story of my 2020 waylonwalker.com redesign on my blog. This post walks through the tools and inspiration for the card design.
I Just Added React-Headroom To My Site
It was so easy to get a professional looking navbar with just 3 lines of code. installation is easy There was no instructions for es6 style imports that are com
Serverless Things To Investigate
Free only one step is free can take rss to social Free to get started Free 7 day trial $4.99 cheapest after
I Finally Fixed My Styled-Components In Gatsby.Js
I finally fixed my Styled-Components in gatsby.js. I am starting a redesign of I have a small issue that has plagued the site for at least a year I have been us
Should I Switch To Zeit Now
Should I switch to Zeit Now. Netlify build times are starting to creep in.
Personal Url Shortener With Netlify Redirects
Personal URL shortener with Netlify Redirects
Creating Posts from forestry.io.
D3 Day 5
For what we are creating in these posts d3 is way overkill and very verbose, but I need to start somewhere
D3 Day 4
Today we are adding scale to day 3's example horizontal bar chart.
D3 Day 3
I recently finished up the flexbox-zombies course to learn more about flexbox, and to become proficient with it. I can truly say that this course has changed t
No More Death By Powerpoint