newlines in css before
π Fragmentions - linking to any text
I can't believe I've never see this Tim Berners-Lee quote, but I can't unsee it and will be required to reference it fro
π hype cp | Hypermedia Copy & Paste
This is a super cool reference for htmx snippets. I really like how he has a couple of errors on the page as examples w
π Colors - Core concepts - Tailwind CSS
Tailwind has the best color system, very well done. Even if you don't use it, it serves as a great color picker.
π Jhey ΚΒ·α΄₯Β·γΚ: "breakin' down classics CSS backgro...
Jhey has the coolest webdev demos!
markdown split panel
tailwind aspect
markdown it attrs with slashes dont work
π Keycloak
Keycloak looks like an interesting way to setup sso. It's part of the cncf so it's got a good backing. I want somethin
π The Future of HTMX - YouTube
I like the charts that Theo brings to to these videos. Shout out for a positive k8s reference and not shitting on it.
π bic | Static blog generator, in bash
Intereresting someone built a blog generator in bash. it comes with normal markdown to html, static content, robots.txt
π Animate to height: auto; (and other intrinsic si...
Css is getting so good, new things like interpolate-size are making things that use to require some deep expertise and h
π Owning It Β· Matthias Ott
I can say I had the same kind of feelings when I first saw something called "Own Your Web" being run in Buttondown. I t
π Realign β Chris Coyier
Chris Coyier had a small re-align on his site, some good nuggets in here. > I like the idea of having a photo of myself
π About Me β Harry Roberts β Web Performance Consu...
I've only recently learned what colophon means, and I really like to read through site that use it. If you don't know i
π Own Your Web β’ Buttondown
I'm a sucker for good own your own shit on the web blogs, and Matthias Ott has a top notch one here. The archive has be
π slash pages
A nice list of slashpages you might want to consider including / aliasing / 301ing. These feel like nice things to setup
π We need to have a talk... - YouTube
Theo does a fantastic history of serverless here. Kubernetes shit Theo can't have an infra video without shitting o
π Why Your Backend Shouldn't Serve Files - YouTube
Lane from boot.dev madde this fantastic video about serving files on the internet. It has me wondering if I need to ret
π The beautiful sentence that is the web
Nicely worded Cassidy! Javascript can be too much, it can bog down low powered devices, we can ship so much that its un
π How to configure base url for all requests using...
Today I learned how to configure the baseurl for htmx using the <base> tag. This is pretty handy to be able to configur
π Addy Osmani: "Tip: Chrome DevTools can override ...
WTF, you can just change a server response from devtools and update a vuejs app? Just tried with htmx, and my GET reque
π 4 Tips for Building a Production-Ready FastAPI B...
Great list of 4 tips for running fastapi applications. Keep routes small Fat routers with all of the logic built
thoughts 0.0.4
π Styling better custom inputs with Dave Rupert - ...
Reminder to tune in later, can't watch now, but saw a link on Dave's blog.  for T...
A nice set of blacks to use in web design. Subtle variants off of black or white like this can really make your design l
π Wes Bos on X: "Are you using position: absolute;...
This is a pretty incredible use of css grid to overlay items overtop of each other without needing to resort to positio
π Buttery icons
Some sick looking icons no attribution needed.
π Hotkey to open link under at the text cursor pos...
Obsidian has a go to definition like feature, the keybind is alt+enter, I would have never guessed this one.
Obsidian Using Templater Like Copier
Obsidian Image Converter
π Text cursor bug in my Chrome browser that causes...
today I learned that there is an accessibility feature in chrome that allows you to place a text cursor anywhere on the
π Render-blocking on purpose
You can explicitly make a script render blocking, nothing will be rendered until this js is ready. html <script bl
π FastHX
Very interesting approach to htmx and fast api. It uses separate decorators for returning template partials and json th
π FastHX
Very interesting approach to htmx and fast api. It uses separate decorators for returning template partials and json th
π svenstaro/miniserve: π For when you really just ...
miniserve is a sweet http server, replacement for python -m http.server. It's fast, runs off a small binary, but why
π Background Tasks - FastAPI
fastapi comes with a concept of background tasks which are functions that can be ran in the background after a function
π One Script Tag Just Pwn'd Over 100,000 Websites ...
Supply chain attacks are so big these days engineers definitely need to take these into consideration. It's wild that s
π Adam Wathan, Creator of TailwindCSS - YouTube
Two inspirational people in one podcast, its cool to see how adam thinks about code, css, webdev, and building businesse
π Customize and apply backgrounds fast | SVG Backg...
svgbackgrounds is a really awesome resource for svg things recently featured on [https://shoptalkshow.com/618/](https://
π Blogmarks that use markdown
Oh I kinda like the name blogmark, as opposed to thoughts like I have chose for the same thing. Aparantly Simon beat me
π A Link Blog in the Year 2024
THIS! is the same reasons that I built thoughts{.hoverlink}. Simon has bee a big i
π A Link Blog in the Year 2024 | Kellan Elliott-Mc...
Kellan brings some interesting thoughts on where the internet is headed in 2024. Interestingly I see myself headed in a
tailwind post template
π Darren Burns π± on X: "Here's an early clip of my...
This looks like a sweet tui postman clone. Darren is really rolling with these tui's. Cant wait to see where this one
π How to Deliver Code Every Day | Jake Worth
Great set of tips here! > No waiting. No βwaiting until tomorrowβ or βItβs Friday, letβs wait until Mondayβ to deploy.
π Text Decoration - Tailwind CSS
Tailwind calls strikethrough line-through. This caught me off guard and took me a minute to find. > Control how text i
π Dax Raad - SST, Build modern full-stack applicat...
such a sick episode with dax. SST's free tier will be free as long as aws allows a free tier, their free tier literally
π Fields - Pydantic
exclude=True and repr=False is a good pydantic combination for secret attributes such as user passwords, or hashed p
π Media Types
A full list of standard Accept types. This is a handy reference.
π Handling Errors - FastAPI
This page shows how to customize your fastapi errors. I found this very useful to setup common templates so that I can
π white-space - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN
html can preserve newline \n characters by styling an element with white-space: pre-wrap; > pre-wrap Sequences
π > htmx ~ The response-targets Extension
The htmx response-targets extension allows me to respond to errors from the backend and do normal htmx swaps. > !!! not
π MarkdownDown
Small web app to convert html into markdown. Pretty cool idea. I actually want to look into this for reader and see how
Tailwind Animations
tailwind arbitrary values
fix npm global install needs sudo
darkmode scrollbars
π node.js - How to fix npm throwing error without ...
Its sad that this is not the accepted answer. bash mkdir ~/.npm-global export NPMCONFIGPREFIX=~/.npm-global expo
π google chrome - Webkit scrollbar CSS, always a w...
This is how you fix the stupid corner section of a double scroll bar being white on a dark theme site. css ::-webk
π Cache Ruins Everything Around Me - YouTube
This is an interesting problem. I want to make a solution for this on htmx-patterns. I would make user specific routes
π building a youtube tool in 24 hours to prove a p...
So cool to see ROX build this over the course of a day.
jinja loop variable and htmx
π Middleware Explained - YouTube
Great episode covering a seemingly simple topic. What I really benefitted from was hearing all the different use cases,
π fastapi decorators
I've been using these decorators to modify the behavior of specific routes. It will do things like 404 admin only route
π Simon Willison on X: "TIL Google Chrome has a --...
Huh, so this is just built right into the chrome cli. python /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google
π fastapi https url_for
jinja's urlfor in fastapi does not account for https by default, there is probably a better way, but this is a way t
π learning strawberry
python import logging from typing import List import strawberry from fastapi import FastAPI from strawberry.fastapi
π 605: Jim Nielsen on Subversive URLs, Blogging + ...
An absolute fantastic episode about blogging, thinking about a web1.0 kind of world today, and what it means moving forw
π Placehold | A simple, fast and free image placeh...
This is a handy placeholder generator for generating placeholder items like images, and videos.
π I'm Skeptical Of Low Code - YouTube
Great take on low code. I have definitely felt the pressure of being presented low code options, "look it does almost e
π Template Designer Documentation β Jinja Document...
html code generated by my jinja templates generally look half garbage because of indents and whitespace all over the pla
π bunny.net - The Content Delivery platform that t...
bunny.net looks like an interesting cloudflare alternative.
π IndieWebify.Me - a guide to getting you on the I...
This is a sick guided site to validate indieweb tags on your site. It makes it much easier than trying to do it yoursel
π FastAPI - dependency inside Middleware? - Stack ...
After struggling to get dependencies inside of middleware I learned that you can make global dependencies at the app lev
π Handling Errors - FastAPI
This page shows how to customize your fastapi errors. I found this very useful to setup common templates so that I can
π logs with FastAPI and Uvicorn Β· Issue #1508 Β· ti...
Setting an additional log handler to the uvicorn logger for access logs in fastapi was not straightforward, but This pos
π How to group FastAPI endpoints in Swagger UI?
Setting tags in your fastapi endpoints will group them in the docs. You can also set some metadata around the t
Hiding Form input During htmx Request
π Show some equivalent list comprehensions in filt...
I often want to reach for non existing list comprehensions in jinja 2, Here are a few nice equivalents. python a: {
π Adam Wathan on X: "Hear me out. https://t.co/QHk...
I'm going to give this trick a shot on my sites, and see how I like it. css { min-width: 0 } Down in the
π Path Operation Advanced Configuration - FastAPI
Excluding routes from fastapi docs, can be done from the route configuration using includeinschema. This is
π Protect API docs behind authentication? Β· Issue ...
You can protect your fastapi docs behind auth so that not only can certain roles not run certain routes, but they cannot
π Cancel subscriptions | Stripe Documentation
This is a handy guide to cancelling stripe subscriptions. python Set your secret key. Remember to switch to your
π Retrieve an upcoming invoice | Stripe API Refere...
You can find your customers next billing date through the stripe api by using Invoice. and passing in customer, custom
π Search | Stripe Documentation
Stripe has it's own query language for querying data. I'm just getting into using it and it seems pretty good so far.
π Stripe keys and IDs
Stripe has so many keys and ids this is a very helpful list to decode what exactly an id is for.
Looking for a Heroku replacement, What I found was...
Still Loving Tailwind
π CSS @media print issues with background-color; -...
Get those print colors exact css body{ -webkit-print-color-adjust:exact !important; print-color-adjust:exact !i
π page-break-after - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets |...
I'm working on something that might go to print, so I want the page breaks to happen somewhat in my control as the conte
π How to Build a Website or App
Great tips in this one. They discuss everything from front end to backend, databases and ORMS, here are a few o
π SebastiΓ‘n RamΓrez on X: "Now @FastAPI has 65k+ G...
Fastapi passes flask in GitHub stars! [
Interesting principle here. What a great example, If I'm looking at the second jQuery example, I have to dig into dev t
π Tailwind Connect 2023 β Keynote - YouTube
Tailwind comes with space that I have never heard of that is made to give margin and padding together in one class. A
π Episode #433 Litestar: Effortlessly Build Perfor...
Litestar is an interesting api framework similar to fastpi, that I am interested to check out to see if it fits into som
π Twitter Requires full image_urls
Yet again twitter cards were causing me pain. This time it was me not realizing that they require full urls, and not re
π Has Web Development Regressed? A Conversation wi...
Boot.dev is crushing it with these interviews. This one has Wes Bos, includes teaching, webdev, where is webdev headed.
π sysid/sse-starlette
sse-starlette provides server sent events for startlette and FastApi. I'm evaluating for use with htmx. Installatio
π Overflow - Tailwind CSS
Controlling overflow with tailwindcss Examples html <div class="overflow-visible ..."></div> <div class="overf
π How To Create a Custom Scrollbar
Default scrollbars on a dark theme website are just the ugliest thing. This page covers all the pseudo selectors needed
π Change Autocomplete Styles in WebKit Browsers | ...
All the hover, select, autofil, focus combinations have left me confused on how to consistently get my form elements sty
π florimondmanca/arel: Lightweight browser hot rel...
arel is a "Lightweight browser hot reload for Python ASGI web apps" I just implemented this on my thoughts website usin
π Automatic browser reloading in FastAPI
I just discovered arel for hot reloading python applications when content changes from
π teej dv π on X: "Hypermedia fixes this HATEOAS g...
HATEOAS gonna hate. More and more htmx seems like the js library for backend devs. So rather than making 55 rest calls
π Pagefind | Pagefind β Static low-bandwidth searc...
Pagefind is absolutely insane. I've tried a number of static site searches, and found them all hard to get get going, c
A Case For Tailwindcss
π aca/emmet-ls: Emmet support based on LSP.
This is the greatest nvim emmet plugin I have tried. In the past I had tried the vim plugin a few times and just could
π Formatter
Tried out biome today and it worked better than prettier on jinja templates, I might adopt this over prettier.
π > htmx ~ The disable-element Extension
An extension to disable elements during flight of an htmx request, Looks super useful for things like a create or delete
π > htmx ~ hx-indicator Attribute
The htmx-request class is added to htmx-target elements. You can target this css selector to create loading state
π The Truth About HTMX | Prime Reacts - YouTube
Prime concisely made sense of why htmx is so awesome compared to what has become modern reactive web dev in 2 minutes.
π > htmx ~ Examples ~ Updating Other Content
Three ways to support updating other content. Fantastic article walking through the different ways to update other part
π Bigger Applications - Multiple Files - FastAPI
Fastapi lets you tag your APIRouter's so that the swagger docs are grouped according to the router. python route
π Preline UI - Tailwind CSS component library | Pr...
Tailwind css component library. There are many examples with copy and pastabily with the tailwind classes already setup
π Tailwind CSS Cheat Sheet
A nice searchable cheatsheet for tailwindcss classes.
π simonw/shot-scraper: A command-line utility for ...
> A command-line utility for taking automated screenshots of websites Daaaang, this is such an elegantly simpl
π shot-scraper: automated screenshots for document...
An interesting way to build automatically annotaatd docs with arrows pointing to elements on a webpage.
π HTML Over The Wire | Hotwire
An alternative approach to building modern web withhout heavy js and json, but instead html over the wire, keeping the l
π Lifecycle Hooks | Vue.js
A super handy reference to the vuejs lifecycle. <img src="https://vuejs.org/assets/lifecycle.16e4c08e.png" alt="vuejs l
π How to Use HTML to Open a Link in a New Tab
Most of the time when creating links in html you want to maintain the default behavior, as this is what users are going
π Create Models with a Many-to-Many Link - SQLMode...
Creating many to many relationships with sqlmodel requires a LinkTable Model. The link model will keep track of the lin
π python - How to use a Pydantic model with Form d...
I went down the route of leveraging the json-enc extention in htmx, but later realized that this completely breaks bro
π Debugging | pywebview
How to enable debug mode in pywebview. python import webview webview.createwindow('Woah dude!', 'https://pywebvi
π API β Jinja Documentation
π€― jinja comes with a loader to pre-compile templates! Defihnitely need to look at this for markata, as jinja is t
π API β Jinja Documentation
I've definitely been missing out on setting up a proper jinja loader on a few projects, I need to lean on this a bit mor
π Tailwind CSS Crash Course - YouTube
Nice intro into tailwind, I definitely started grasping some of the concepts after watching Brad.
π GZIP Compression Test | GiftOfSpeed
A nice tool to check compression on a public url.
π Wesley Aptekar-Cassels | Reasons to avoid Javasc...
And this is why we don't run cdn in prod, respect your users who can't control where the assets are stored. There are s
π > htmx ~ The json-enc Extension
json-enc extension converts url encoded form values into json encoded data, this is very useful for fastapi to have the
π Header Parameters - FastAPI
Getting request headers in fastapi has a pretty nice stetup, it allows you to get headers values as function arguments,
π Session vs Token Authentication in 100 Seconds -...
Great short explaination of session vs token authentication.
π Form Data - FastAPI
Getting form data inside of fastapi was not intuitive to me at first. Everything I had used in fastapi leaned on pydanti
π pywebview
I am creating this post from a desktop app that I created in 3 lines. python import webview webview.createwindo
π Template Designer Documentation β Jinja Document...
A feature of jinja that I just discovered is including sub templates. Here is an example from the docs. html {% in
π Templates - FastAPI
A guide to add Jinja2Templates to fastapi.
π > htmx ~ Documentation
A complete reference of all of the htmx swapping methods.
π python 3.x - FastAPI redirection for trailing sl...
I am trying to use htmx on a new fastapi site for my thoughts, and have been hitting this error. js Mixed Content:
π > htmx ~ The client-side-templates Extension
Using templates with htmx requires the client-side-templates extension, and the template engine to be loaded in a <scri
π Static Files - FastAPI
Mounting static files in fastapi. python from fastapi import FastAPI from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles a
π HTMX looks pretty neat #coding #javascript - You...
Love the poling example with hx-trigger='every 1s'.
π First-class session support in FastAPI Β· Issue #...
Here is a snippet provided by @tiangolo to store the users jwt inside of a session cookie in fatapi. This was written i
π Dark Form
A nice codepen reference for dark forms. I am using it for my thoughts chrome extension.
π doyensec/wsrepl: WebSocket REPL for pentesters
Very inspiring textual project to check out how they set up the ui. Their intro video has a pretty epic dev experience.
π Doyensec on Twitter: "Announcing wsrepl, the Web...
wsrepl is an epic websocket repl built in python on the textual framework.
π Filter Data - WHERE - SQLModel
When fetching pydantic models from the database with sqlmodel, and you cannot select your item by id, you probably need
π URL Decoding query strings or form parameters in...
In order to turn url encoded links back into links that I would find in the database of my thoughts project I need to ur
π encodeURIComponent() - JavaScript | MDN
In order to send data that includes special characters such as / in a url you need to url encode it. You have probabl
π Chris Coyier on Twitter: "I was unaware of `text...
Next time I'm working with large headers on small screens I need to try this. I always truggle to get them to look goo
π sqlite-utils command-line tool - sqlite-utils
I want to like jq, but I think Simon is selling me on sqlite, maybe its just me but this looks readable, hackable, edita
π jq Cheat Sheet
A nice cheat sheet for jq. jq looks so nice, but it so quickly gets overwhelming on how to select what you want. I was
π Flask Trailing Slashes 404
In flask apps I often get a 404 for routes with a trailing slash. This Stack Overflow post shows how to configure flask
Getting Started with Django REST framework
django create superuser
django disallowed host
Trying out django
Building Rich a Dev Server
Site Down During Build
Adding Audio to my blog posts
Expand One Line Links
Inspired by discourse's link expansion I am rolling out expansions for one line links on the blog
Why use a cms
How I Built My GitHub Profile
Refactoring your blog urls
How to get Dev Comments from an article Url
Adding google fonts to a gatsbyjs site
Explicit vs Implicit Returns in Javascript
Do You Hoist
Do you have any use cases that you use hoising? Why? It seems like a really cool feature in any language that uses it, but I dont really notice it in use.
Custom Scrollbar Design
2020 waylonwalker.com rebrand
I documented the story of my 2020 waylonwalker.com redesign on my blog. This post walks through the tools and inspiration for the card design.
I just added react-headroom to my site
Serverless things to investigate
I finally fixed my Styled-Components in gatsby.js
Should I switch to Zeit Now
Should I switch to Zeit Now. Netlify build times are starting to creep in.
Personal URL shortener with Netlify Redirects
Personal URL shortener with Netlify Redirects
Creating Posts from forestry.io.
D3 Day 5
D3 Day 4
Today we are adding scale to day 3's example horizontal bar chart.
D3 Day 3